Goal of this blog post is to explain how to use OpenBSM library to perform live audit on macOS to detect which files are open and by who.
Everyday we install some program, or application, on our computer and they can basically have access to the most of files.
Real-time auditing can be useful for a lot of reasons: maybe you’re just curious to see which files are opened by some applications or if some malicious process are reading your personal documents, or maybe opening your photos. Maybe you are not curious but you just want to detect possible ransom-ware activity to stop them.
The scenarios are infinite.
Another common scenario is that you can use real-time auditing to build and run your personal Host-Based IDS by checking modifications and accesses to sensible files.
In this blog post I will just explain how this auditing is possible thanks to OpenBSM, giving the reader some others resources for further “investigation” and publishing a small proof-of-concept of a basic implementation.
If you spot a mistake, I’ll be happy to fix it, just send an email to me.
According to the Trusted BSD project, OpenBSM is an open-source implementation of Sun’s BSM (Basic Security Module) event auditing file format and API originally created for Apple Computer by McAfee Research.
This implementation provides a set of system calls and library interfaces for managing audit records but includes also some command line tools.
As we can see from the configuration files located in /etc/security, by default macOS use two flags, lo and aa, to logs Login/Logout (lo) and Authorization/Authentication (aa) events on the /var/audit/ directory.
$ cat /etc/security/audit_control # # $P4: //depot/projects/trustedbsd/openbsm/etc/audit_control#8 $ # dir:/var/audit flags:lo,aa minfree:5 naflags:lo,aa policy:cnt,argv filesz:2M expire-after:10M superuser-set-sflags-mask:has_authenticated,has_console_access superuser-clear-sflags-mask:has_authenticated,has_console_access member-set-sflags-mask: member-clear-sflags-mask:has_authenticated
We can have some information about these flags, and about all available flags, from another file located on the same directory:
$ cat /etc/security/audit_class # # $P4: //depot/projects/trustedbsd/openbsm/etc/audit_class#6 $ # 0x00000000:no:invalid class 0x00000001:fr:file read 0x00000002:fw:file write 0x00000004:fa:file attribute access 0x00000008:fm:file attribute modify 0x00000010:fc:file create 0x00000020:fd:file delete 0x00000040:cl:file close 0x00000080:pc:process 0x00000100:nt:network 0x00000200:ip:ipc 0x00000400:na:non attributable 0x00000800:ad:administrative 0x00001000:lo:login_logout 0x00002000:aa:authentication and authorization 0x00004000:ap:application 0x20000000:io:ioctl 0x40000000:ex:exec 0x80000000:ot:miscellaneous 0xffffffff:all:all flags set
Since we want to monitor which files are accessed by a process, we can build our own audit program using the functions provided from OpenBSM and log, or display, only relevant information. To audit only some information we can then specify one or more of the flags above and, for example, if we want to log which files are open to be read, we can use the flag “fr” identified by the value 0x00000001.
The Basic Security Module Library provides some functions to read these events and automatically parse them. In details, we have 4 functions to manipulate and interact with events:
int au_read_rec(FILE *fp, u_char **buf);
This function let us read an event record from a file descriptor and put the content in the buffer buf passed as parameter (which must be freed after use). The function return the number of bytes read.
int au_fetch_tok(tokenstr_t *tok, u_char *buf, int len);
The buffer obtained from au_read_rec contains tokens, every token is a struct with different information, according to the token id. The first token of the buffer is always a AUT_HEADER* token: it contains a field that indicate which kind of event is on the buffer. The next tokens contains information about the path of the process that raised the event, the path of the file interested by the event and other information like the user, the timestamp… To read the buffer with the record inside we have to fetch every token on it sequentially, using the au_fetch_tok
void au_print_tok(FILE *outfp, tokenstr_t *tok, char *del, char raw, char sfrm);
Now that we have a token, we can print it on a file descriptor.
void au_print_flags_tok(FILE *outfp, tokenstr_t *tok, char *del, int oflags);
Another function to print token in a fancy way is to use au_print_flags_tok that accepts an additional parameter to specify different output formats (XML, raw, short..).
A typical use of these functions could be:
- Open a file (usually an audit pipe) with fopen() and print records on a buffer from the file by calling au_read_rec().
- Read each token for each record through calls to au_fetch_tok() on the buffer
- Invoke au_print_flags_tok() to print each token to an output stream such as stdout.
- Free the buffer
- Close the opened file
There is only one problem I found while parsing these events with the functions provided: au_print_tok() and au_print_flags_tok() take as input a token from au_fetch_tok() and there is no way to parse or filter it, to have a nicer and more descriptive output of the token.
My solution was to bypass the two functions and manually parse the token to get only the most interesting properties. But how this tokens are made?
As said before, every event is made of some tokens. A token is just a C struct that contains some information according to the ID of the token.
A read event, for example, has 3 main tokens: AUT_HEADER , AUT_SUBJECT and AUT_PATH.
AUT_HEADER contains information about the event. In a read event, it display that the event is actually a file read (fr).
AUT_SUBJECT define which process raised this event while AUT_PATH specify which path was read by the AUT_SUBJECT.
We can manually parse the struct to print only useful information.
The auditpipe
Now that we know how to read events we need to know from where we can take real-time events. The solution is to use a specific device called auditpipe and located in /dev/auditpipe.
The auditpipe is a pseudo-device for live audit event tracking that can be opened as a file and used with the 4 functions above to read and parse our real-time events.
In order to use the auditpipe we need to configure it with ioctl system calls to set up which events we want to get from the pipe.
filewatcher - a simple auditing utility for macOS
I wrote a small utility to monitor file or process activities using the auditpipe and the functions I explained.
You can find it directly on GitHub
To configure the auditpipe I used an example found here.
To parse the token’s structure I used the open source code from OpenBSM.
The code is still pretty messy but it works!
The options are not so much at the moment, but my goal is to improve it to have a fully-working auditing tool.
At the moment it is possible to specify which process or which file to monitor.
By default, only some events are displayed, like open/read/write/close. Anyway, it’s possible to display all events thanks to an option. Check the help message!
It’s also possible, for now, to enable debug message logging into a file.
At the moment, There is only a line of code inside the Makefile to compile the tool, so you can just make and it will compile inside the bin folder.
If you want to manually compile it, you need to include the bsm library:
$ gcc -lbsm filewatcher.c lib/*.c -o bin/filewatcher
$ sudo ./bin/filewatcher -h filewatcher - a simple auditing utility for macOS Usage: ./bin/filewatcher [OPTIONS] -f, --file Set a file to filter -p, --process Set a process name to filter -a, --all Display all events (By default only basic events like open/read/write are displayed) -d, --debug Enable debugging messages to be saved into a file -h, --help Print this help and exit